How do I make my house not smell like a dog?

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Even though we may adore dogs, we don’t want our home to always smell like them. Maintaining a clean and fresh-smelling home can seem like a constant uphill battle. The good news is that eliminating a dog’s smell around the house is not all that difficult.

It could be time to take action if you have detected a strong dog odor yourself. Or if you begin to notice your friends have started to avoid entering your home due to Fiuffy’s fragrance.

Before we discuss whether it is possible to remove strong pet odor from your home. Let’s first explore the exact reasons why your canine companion might not be smelling all that “fresh”. After all, you’ll want to know whether there’s a medical explanation for why your dog stinks so dog-gone bad.

The first tip is to check around to find out if any products you are using for your dogs are of low quality and or not made by a reputable company that puts animals before cost-cutting. Throw those products out!

Cheap treats, chews, shampoos, and other products can be harmful to your furry friends. Use only goods that you are certain are safe before using them on your pet.

Important Fur Fact: Many chemicals that are safe for humans might not be safe for animals, so shop from pet companies specifically.


Unquestionably, your dog is proud of its natural scent. It serves as their personal signature and legacy on the planet. Consider the stench of warm dog breath in your face as a badge of honor. All that saliva gets all over their toys, bed, and even occasionally your face and neck.

Dogs can also accumulate stinky wax in their ears and have oily skin. Did you also know that they perspire through their feet? That much dog body odor is difficult to handle around the average home.

Breed, age, fur type, health and medical issues, drool production, outdoor activities. And—possibly most crucially—bathing routines all affect how a dog smells on the regular.

Getting rid of that distinctive canine stench can seem difficult, but there are simple ways to do so. Even effective tricks to remove dog poop and other stains from carpets and furniture.


Dog owners often make the joke that dog hair and dog odors replenish like magic even right after you clean the whole house. But the joke has some basis in reality. Like how it seems impossible to remove the scent from your laundry and furniture. It is unfeasible to try to completely get rid of canine odor in your home, we love them for exactly themselves. Yet, it is nice to know you can reduce pet odors!

Keep your dog clean

Making sure your pet is clean is one of the first things to do if you don’t want your home to smell like a pet store. Routine bathing is beneficial, like giving them at least one bath every other month or as needed. Along with nail clipping and fur brushing to make them smell even better.

You can do this yourself at home, or you can take your pet to the grooming salon. Look up information on holistic pet grooming and organic pet products!

Clean up your floors

The first step in preventing your home from smelling like a dog is to scrub and brush your dog regularly. However, the next step is just as vital and often overlooked.

Unwanted scents like to stick around where your pet is the most, so clean your floors if you want to keep your house from smelling like “whatever they might have dragged in on their paws.” Sweeping and lightly mopping on a weekly schedule is the initial step when cleaning things like wood, tile, or laminate. Any normal broom will do, and although it is hard to find time in a day, just a few minutes of cleaning up every day will help stop the build up of grime, fur, and stinky smells.

Keep your room furniture clean

There is no place safe from pet smell in a loving home because many of us enjoy cuddling on the sofa or in bed at night with our dogs. Just like floors build up dirt and scents, so do linens and furniture. Dog owners might benefit from a quick clean-up in areas where their dog lies. Recommended at least once a month for full deep cleanings will keep bad smells at bay. Weekly vacuuming and de-shedding also help keep hair and dander from taking over the home too badly.

Disassembling and thoroughly cleaning all your furniture is one of the best ways to get rid of a dog smell. Start by taking off any and every cover and, give them a hot wash to remove any bacteria, dry them well. Then, vacuum all the furniture, including the beds, sofas, and cushions. Remember to clean below the furniture as well, where dog hair, toys, and missing socks love to pile up.

Keep pet furniture clean

Would you like to know an important hint on how to get rid of dog odor? Vigilance. This means cleaning and deodorizing practically everything your dog touches, especially their bed, and blankets. Smells are more likely to be present and absorbed in their dog bed. Try using an affordable pet hair removal tool, you can keep both your own and their furniture clean. Shop for naturally fragrant dog shampoos that are specialized to keep dogs smelling their best without all the harsh chemicals of some soaps and perfumes.

Buddha Bubbles is an organic pet shampoo that uses only natural ingredients to keep your dog healthy and smelling great! Shop now.

To get rid of scents in your home, the majority of pet experts advise cleaning pet mattresses once a week. Washing your large dog beds once a week is a hassle, so if you can’t keep up with the routine, try the alternative of spraying the bed with vinegar and baking soda solution and sucking it up with a vacuum afterward. The solution is safe for animals, but it is recommended that you let it dry completely before allowing sleepy dogs to lie down!

Clean your dog’s toys

Almost as crucial as washing pet beds, washing dog toys (especially the plush stuffed ones) is something that many people forget to do. Dog faces are adorable, but dog mouths aren’t exactly known for having the most pleasant odors, especially for our loved senior dogs.

Naturally, your home may start to smell like that warm dog breath as a result of their saliva getting all over their toys and chews. This issue can be reduced or even eliminated if you wash them daily or transfer them out occasionally. Available also online are more natural chews that don’t have as much of a fragrance or issues with staining as your dog enjoys them.

If you haven’t washed your dog’s toys recently—or at all!—you might need to fill up a bucket of soap and water or vinegar. Many toys and bowls can be placed right into your dishwasher.

Make sure your dog is healthy

It’s true if you have heard that humans or animals may smell due to medical conditions. If, after regular bathing, your dog still smells, it might be time to look for an underlying problem causing the symptoms. A more significant medical problem may state a persistent dog odor like a skin or coat disease.

If you think something medical might be causing your dog issues, then the time has come to consult a veterinarian. Other than scent issues, look out for other symptoms like aggressive licking/biting or any change in appetite.

Moreover, canine oral health is very important. Remember to brush your dog’s teeth well and give them quality products that aid in dental care! If your particular pooch isn’t a fan of the traditional brushing time, some great alternatives to a toothbrush and paste can be durable chews like beef cheeks, bully sticks, pizzles, white bones, ect…your canine’s canines will appreciate it and your dog will absolutely LOVE THEM too!

Be a detective

Unless you have already grown accustomed to it and your surroundings. It won’t be difficult for you to detect pet odor as it happens. But locating the exact source is a quite different matter.

A puppy might try to conceal an accident or a dead mouse by hiding the evidence behind some furniture. An older dog might have a place they tend to go to the bathroom inside or get sick. Look for stains on bed skirts, curtains, and even walls. Some dogs are notorious for lifting their leg to mark territory.

UV torches can be useful and assist you in determining where exactly the smell might be originating from by locating urine-soaked areas. Including potty accidents, rear-end dragging, or territorial marking inside the home. Pee is the main culprit in dog smell in houses and apartments. Maintain a fresh scent in your house by keeping track of accidents around the area and cleaning them properly asap.

Perfume your area

Using scented or odor-neutralizing sprays, you’ll never be able to cover up strong pet odors completely. However, be careful because some oils and scents can actually be harmful to your cat or dog so always do prior research. Lastly, they may be useful for masking scents in your house between thorough cleanings, but this is temporary and not an actual fix to the problem.

To freshen up your home quickly, you can use some kinds of sprays to spritz your house before

guests arrive. But it’s absolutely vital that you choose a spray or diffuse an essential oil that is suitable for use around pets.


Pet scents vary entirely and arise from a variety of causes, but the joy our dogs bring to our lives is worth it. Smelly or not! The use of grooming wipes, regular washing, and the application of odor-eliminating pet-safe products can all help keep your dog smelling fresh. Talk to your pet’s health professional if you think you have more of a problem than just a little body odor or backed-up glands.

Targeting the source of the smell is really the best approach to eliminating persistent pet odors. Walls, floors, carpets, furniture, pet beds, toys, your dog’s favorite blanket, and other personal possessions may be the direct source of the stench. Keep up with their hygiene and stay vigilant with a weekly cleaning chore chart, and you and your dog can once again enjoy each other’s company in a space that feels and smells like home. Without the need for nose plugs! 


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