What dog treats should I avoid?

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The idea of offering treats is one that every dog owner is familiar with. There are many different treat options for your animal friend if you enter any pet store. Treats are a wonderful teaching tool and reward for positive behavior.

The most important consideration is how many treats and what kind of snacks you are feeding your dog. Treats come in a variety of forms, sizes, flavors, and aesthetics, much like dogs do. Your dog should receive rewards that are appropriate for them and its tastes. Like people, dogs have a variety of food preferences.

And while we know you love your dog, but try to stick to treats only 10% of their regular caloric intake. Treats also should never be used to supplement a regular diet, and you should always have fresh water available for your pup.


For a variety of reasons, pet owners may offer their pets treats. Whatever the reason, always keep calories and quantity in mind to keep your dog’s weight in check.


Giving our dogs treats is one of the main ways we show them our affection and build relationships with them. Being a healthy dog includes being joyful.


It is great if the goodies you use to reward your dog are small and easy to eat. Treats are a great way to reward repeat behavior without consuming too many calories. To prevent your dog from getting bored, think about switching up treat flavors.

Supplementing health

There are many businesses that offer specialized functional snacks. Like chews for stress relief and treats for healthy joints and skin. Even unappealing medications can be covered up with treats.

Occupying time

There are times and places for slower-eating delicacies as well. Perhaps you want your dog to lie down next to you, or they are overly excited or worried, and you want them to calm down.

Supporting Healthy Teeth

Certain treats and chews created for dogs can help clean their teeth. Dogs with unclean teeth can have dental problems and bad breath. Regular tooth brushing for our dogs is essential, but it can be challenging to stick to a schedule. Treats can help reduce plaque buildup, but you should still get those regular brushings in.


Make sure you read the labels before choosing a treat for your dog and are aware of what to watch out for and what to avoid.

Pick Treats that:

●have fewer ingredients, the better.

●Ingredients from premium whole foods are listed first; the earlier an item appears, the more of it there is.

●USA-based ingredients are more dependable and environmentally responsible.

●Vitamin C and E are natural preservatives (mixed tocopherols).

Things to avoid:

Synthetic or artificial sweeteners.

Long ingredient lists with difficult-to-pronounce ingredients.

Added coloring.

Chemical preservatives, such as ethoxyquin, butylated-hydroxyanisole (BHA), and

butylated-hydroxytoluene (BHT), may have detrimental impacts on health.

Propylene glycol is a chemical humectant used to measure moisture content.


With all the progress in the study of dog nutrition, you can now give your dog healthy treats. Most traditional dog treats are safe. However, they might not be the best option for your dog. Even some foods that are safe for humans might hurt dogs.

Don’t give your dog:


Persin is a substance found in avocados. Dogs may become ill from this, vomit, and have diarrhea.


Cherry pits contain the poison cyanide. If a dog ingests them, it could clog the intestines or present a choking hazard.

Caffeine, coffee, and chocolate

Never give your dog any chocolate or other foods or drinks that contain caffeine.

Methylxanthines, which are present in several goods, are poisonous to dogs. The substances have the potential to occasionally result in death, nausea, an abnormal heartbeat, and seizures.

There are chocolate snacks for dogs. However, they have a special chocolate substitute, carob, that is safe for them to eat.


Never give alcohol or goods containing alcohol to a dog. Alcohol is harmful to dogs and can cause many major problems, including coma and death.

Grapes and raisins

Grapes, raisins, sultanas, and currants you should never give to dogs. Even very small doses of some drugs can cause kidney failure and, in rare cases, death. Furthermore, do not give dogs any products like fruit cake or malt loaf that may include these items.


Dogs should not eat them. Outside of peanuts, many other nuts can cause a medical emergency for your pup. Macadamia nuts are poisonous to dogs, it can result in vomiting, lethargy, and overheating.

Ice cream

While overall, ice cream isn’t dangerous, some of the additional ingredients can be. Chocolate, nuts, and other toxic sweeteners can be hiding in the sweet treat.

Garlic, onions and chives

The Allium genus includes chives, garlic, and onions. Organosulfoxides are hazardous to dogs.

They may experience stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting as a result of this.

Organosulfoxides can cause anemia in dogs as well.

Salty foods

Dogs who consume too much salt risk developing sodium ion toxicity as well as excessive thirst and urine.

These are some signs of this poisoning:



●involuntary shaking or tremors

●high temperature



In conclusion, it is important to be aware of what treats are safe for your dog and which ones should be avoided. Always read the labels before giving a treat to your pup, and make sure you pick one with fewer ingredients from premium whole foods listed first. Additionally, try to avoid synthetic sweeteners, added coloring, chemical preservatives such as BHA or BHT, propylene glycol, and other toxic substances like caffeine and alcohol.

Furthermore, never give garlic, onions, or chives to dogs as they may cause poisoning resulting in stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, etc. Finally, remember that salty food can also lead to sodium ion toxicity if consumed in excess, so always keep an eye on how much salt content is present in the food item!

For a safe and healthy treat for your pup, shop at Natural Cravings USA.


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