Are bully sticks good or bad treats (and can they hurt your dog)

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Throw away all those low-quality chews and treats filled with unneeded additives and chemicals! As doting owners care about our pets` health and want to give them natural and healthy to make them happy.

Bully sticks are long-lasting, delicious, and utterly nutritious dog snacks. They are also popular because they are an unprocessed toy that satisfies your dog’s natural need to chew while not even staining up your carpets.

One of the main things we need to mention about bully sticks is that they are high in protein and other nutrients as a boost to your dog’s regular diet.

So, let’s take a deeper look at the good, the bad, and the bully stick.


Many pet owners might not know this, but bully sticks are actually made from beef pizzle or a bull penis. Producers dry them in the oven or sunbake, and you can find them in different shapes and sizes.

Keep in mind bully sticks may have a small potential for salmonellae contamination which is a low-risk issue for canines. That is why you must be careful when buying them for your dog and keep personal hygiene in mind. The safe thing to do is always choose a company that cares about quality and the health of your happy hound. And remember to wash your hands after handling them.

Are you worried about weight gain? Approximately eighty-eight calories are in an average six-inch bully stick. So add in a walk if you need to, but this will be fine for most dogs. However, if you are watching their weight, just give them a bully stick rather than treats for the day. With its rich meaty flavor, your pup won’t mind.


Every owner wants what is best for their pet, so we need to be aware of the good and bad sides. Bully sticks are usually safe and a great treat, but we must be critical and careful because of some common concerns.

Improper storage, poor quality, and other factors may cause your dog to get hurt. So here are some things to watch out for.

There is a risk of contamination

Some people think that because they are by-products, they might not be adequately treated. Additionally, there is the risk of bacteria such as Salmonella or E.Coli. This is not necessarily true. Some reputable companies have strict food safety standards and processes that prevent this from happening.

This treat is a meat by-product

As we previously mentioned, they are made from a bull’s penis. While we might not find that appealing, it makes for a great dog chew. And because these parts are considered not up to human standards, it’s then classified as a bi-product. The good news is that many by-products are higher in nutrients and protein including bully sticks.

Gastrointestinal blockages and choking hazard

These chews are perfect for a variety of chewers, including puppies and older dogs. They are durable yet soft enough to be cut with scissors, and they soften as your dog chews.

However, as with all toys, they become dangerous when damaged. Dogs might try to swallow it, which can result in choking. Small pieces will digest fully, but larger pieces can cause some digestional problems. That’s why it’s crucial to always pick the right size bully stick for your dog.

These concerns regarding bully sticks still do not mean that they are bad for your dog. Just remember that, like anything that you give your dog, there are good and bad sides. What matters most is that you manage to find balance.

In this case, finding balance means selecting the right size chew for your dog. Also, always monitor your dog while chewing so risks can be almost zero. Additionally, you can buy a bully stick holder that will ensure that it will not become too small and that dog will not be able to swallow it.

Another thing that can help prevent problems is that you should store them properly. Unused bully sticks should be stored away from heat. The best way to store them is in the freezer in an airtight container. This keeps moisture away and helps them last upwards of 2 years.


A bully stick can provide a load of benefits for your dog. Some of them are that it is a low-fat, high-protein dog chew. Furthermore, it helps support your dog’s dental health.

Bully sticks provide a natural and fun way to keep your pup occupied. Not only do these chews help distract dogs from destructive behavior, but they also give them the mental stimulation that all furry friends need.

Furthermore, when bully sticks are produced from high-quality ingredients and when you buy them from trustworthy manufacturers, they can be beneficial toys for your dog.

As we mentioned, there are a lot of advantages. Let’s view them in even greater detail.

They are low in fat

Bully sticks are perfect treats for pups watching their waistline – but no single snack can replace a nutritional meal. These chews are made from a single ingredient and provides your canine friend with a boost of protein and also contain just the right amount of fat to keep them strong and healthy.

However, eating too many on top of other treats can cause weight gain, which raises the risk of diabetes, some types of cancer, and joint issues.

Bully sticks are high in protein

Bull pizzle is a great source of protein which is crucial for a balanced diet. Protein supports muscle growth and repair, fur maintenance, and healthy skin. A higher amount of protein in a diet will be beneficial for pregnant and lactating females, growing puppies, and busy working dogs.

Healthy teeth

Giving your dog a bully stick can help to reduce plaque and tartar. And clean teeth lower the risks of dental problems later on. Some uncomfortable issues like gum disease, tartar buildup, or even dangerous tooth rot.

Likewise, bully sticks help in jaw muscle training. Regular chewing can help to reduce temporomandibular joint issues, and keep those joints more mobile. However, chewing a bully stick too long might tire joints, so limit chewing time to 10-30 minute intervals throughout the day.

Long-lasting Chew

Bully sticks are a toy-like chew that gives dogs long-lasting fun. It keeps them occupied, which decreases behavioral problems and destructive chewing. Bored or agitated dogs may chew on the furniture or household items. You can help redirect this bad behavior by giving them something to chew that lasts long, makes them thrilled, and is specifically designated for chewing time.


In conclusion, bully sticks are a good healthy, safe treat for your dog. Just keep these things in mind when shopping for bully sticks.

Buy them from trustworthy manufacturers and always monitor your dog while they munch. That way, you will provide a great entertaining time for your pet and give you some time to do what you have to do, worry-free.

You will feel great, too, knowing that you did something to make your dog happy, and it was as easy as shopping with Natural Cravings USA.


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