Will Bully Sticks Give My Dog Diarrhea

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Selecting the best treats and toys for your dog can be daunting. Furthermore, you might wonder if bully sticks are good for your pup or if they can cause your dog diarrhea. 

Giving your dog something to chew on can help keep them mentally stimulated, healthy, and overall happy. But not all chews and treats agree with every dogs digestion system. For some dogs bully sticks might be too rich and can cause diarrhea. 

Can a bully stick be bad for a pup?

Bully sticks, also known as pizzles or beef tendons, are an increasingly popular chew treat for dogs. While they may seem like a healthy and natural option compared to many of the processed treats available, there are some risks that your pup might experience.

The most common issue associated with bully sticks is digestive upset. Dogs can experience vomiting, diarrhea, and other digestive issues after eating bully sticks due to their high protein content. Some power chewers may even break off pieces and choke.

Another potential issue with bully sticks is an elevated risk of infection from bacteria such as E. coli, salmonella, and listeria. These bacteria can be found in many natural products. But it’s more common in chews that come from poor processing practices. Dogs that consume these bacteria may experience an upset stomach or other serious medical issues. However, they are more dangerous for humans.

The fact that bully sticks allow the puppies plenty of chewing time to improve their oral health is one of the main reasons dog owners love them.

Additionally, chewing lowers anxiety and increases cerebral stimulation. Bully sticks have a terrible rep for hurting a dog’s stomach. If you want to give one of these treats to your dog, a quick Google search would turn up several stories about bully sticks and diarrhea.

This does not imply that giving your dog these treats will cause them to have diarrhea, though. It is challenging to determine what is true or false.

A precaution for your pet

It is preferable to introduce bully sticks to your dog under strict supervision. For your dog, you should pick the appropriate size and form. And allow them to play for a short time before taking the bully stick away. Then watch them for the next 24 hours.

Bully sticks may result in diarrhea, but this is only likely to happen if you overfeed your dog. Or if it already had a digestive condition that did not respond well to bully sticks.

In general, chewing on a bully stick is unlikely to cause your dog to experience diarrhea. Or any related problems (such as vomiting).

What can you do?

Yet, a few things can make it more likely for your dog to get diarrhea. It’s crucial first to realize that not all bully sticks are created equal. Some bully stick brands are created from grass-fed, free-range cattle. Others use additives that are harder for dogs to digest (like corn syrup or wheat flour).

Additionally, certain bully sticks may have been manufactured with chemical preservatives. In some dogs that can result in an allergic reaction.

Before giving your dog a bully stick, you should always verify the contents to make sure it’s safe. Your dog may be more prone to get diarrhea if they are older or have any digestive problems.

The best of a bully stick

Bully sticks might not be the ideal choice for your dog if they have a sensitive stomach or if they have beef allergies.

Because of the high protein content of bully sticks, if your dog consumes too many at once, it could overload your dog’s digestive system. That can result in an upset stomach or other digestive problems, such as diarrhea, which is, for sure, the worst. 

The likelihood that bully sticks will give your dog diarrhea may increase if they are not stored in a cool, dry area. Or have not been exposed to heat, moisture, or other conditions that can lead to deterioration.

You should check the food’s end date before giving it to your dog. 

And of course, never give your dog a bully stick that has gone rotten

Giving your dog a rotten bully stick is never a good idea. In addition to the risk of illness, rotten bully sticks can also cause severe intestinal damage and could need emergency medical treatment. 

While bully sticks have a long shelf life, it’s best to dispose of them if there is any discoloration or bad smell. 

Do bully sticks, so, cause diarrhea?

The short answer is sometimes, yes. First of all, keep in mind that each dog is unique and has a varied response to food. Some dogs are hypersensitive to particular foods.

It is crucial to take precautions to introduce bully sticks to your pet if you are unsure whether they may cause diarrhea. This will help you avoid any unfavorable reactions.

Consult a veterinarian as soon as your pet exhibits unusual behavior to identify the underlying cause. To reduce the possibility of an upset stomach, you should only give your dog one bully stick per day.


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